Club Policies
No carry-on food and beverage is permitted. All refreshments must be purchased from Maple Valley. Private coolers are not permitted.
No groups of more than 4 allowed. Occasionally, at course discretion, 5 players may be allowed during slower times. (this includes all those who might not be playing also)
Slow players must either speed up or allow others to play through (expect 2 hours per nine).
We recommend at least 7 years old to be on the course.
All players must have their own set of clubs.
Must wear shirt and shoes at all times (casual).
No metal spikes.
Golfers will not be allowed on course until frost is gone. The decision on when to begin play will be left up to management.
Maple Valley is not responsible for personal property that is lost, stolen, or left at the facility. The club will make every effort to help guests find lost property.
Tee Times
Tee times will be taken 7 days in advance.
Groups of twelve or more may be booked, with management, longer in advance.
Tee times are for hole #1.
Golfers must have the pro shops permission to begin on any other hole.
Golfers coming off of hole #9, always have priority on tenth tee.
Golf Carts
Only licensed drivers may rent and/or drive cars. (permits are not acceptable.)
Only two persons allowed on a car at all times.
Cars and pull carts must stay off tees and 30 feet from greens.
The 90 degree rule suggested when using cars.
Golfers will be held responsible for damage they do to cars and/or course.
The course reserves the right to restrict cart use.
Rain Checks
No rain checks will be given when it is obvious it is going to rain or raining when golfer checks in.
Golfers who have paid for 9 holes but have not completed 7 holes will receive a 9 hole rain check.
Golfers who paid for 18 holes and were not able to complete 7 holes will receive an 18 hole rain check.
Golfers who have not completed 16 holes will receive a 9 hole rain check.
No cash refunds